Sattva The School is a co-educational day school. dedicated to preparing students for the ICSE examination (Grade X). The school is housed in a spacious, purpose-built facility with large air-conditioned classrooms, specifically designed to meet the needs of a CISCE-affiliated institution. Offering classes from Pre-KG to Grade X, the school is staffed by 73 dedicated teachers who work with approximately 1,005 students. With a low student-to-teacher ratio, we ensure that each student receives personalized attention, allowing for a more tailored and focused learning experience.
We are a progressive, child-centred, co-educational private school committed to offering a holistic education that nurtures every student’s potential. At Sattva, we believe that learning should be both challenging and enjoyable, encouraging students to explore and grow at their own pace. Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that education should inspire creativity, independent thinking, and a spirit of exploration. We aim to foster a safe and nurturing environment, free from authority and fear, where students can question, discover, and flourish in goodness.
To equip students with the skills, attitudes, and competencies needed to succeed in college, life, and as responsible citizens, while setting them on a path toward excellence.
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