When Compassion Meets Action
In the aftermath of the devastating floods in Vijayawada, our student leadershipdemonstrated remarkable compassion and kindness. They collected ₹50,000 through adigital fundraising campaign and…
In the aftermath of the devastating floods in Vijayawada, our student leadershipdemonstrated remarkable compassion and kindness. They collected ₹50,000 through adigital fundraising campaign and…
We are thrilled to announce that our students showcased remarkable first aid skills in a recent contest organized by SBB Medicare. This event provided…
We’re proud to announce our students’ outstanding performance in the Inter-School Swachh Bharat Championship! Organized by ITC Group, this event promoted sustainability and community…
Our Grades 9 and 10 students embarked on an unforgettable trip to Karnataka in October.They delved into the state’s rich heritage, exploring historical sites,…
“Celebrating Victory of Good Over Evil” As part of our Diwali celebrations, Narakasura Samharam was conducted with great enthusiasm. Our students brought alive the…
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